lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

E.U. parliament votes to ban cloning of farm animals

This piece of new was taken from the science magazine, the 24th September 2015. Full link:

This piece of news talks about the banning of cloning animals. The European Union has banned to clone and/or sale all farm animals. The supporters claim that only a small percentage of cloned offspring survive to term, and many die shortly after birth.
However, companies in the U.S. and China are cloningfor breeding and for research purposes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers meat and other products form clones to be as safe as that from other farm animals.

However, there is widespread public suspicion of cloning technology in Europe, but E.U. member countries deny any agricultural cloning in their territories.

Related disciplines:
- Chemistry, because behind all those experiments there is a large research of animal bodies.
- Genetics, because the purpose of cloning is creating identical genes.
- Economics, for all the money needed to make research.
- Laws, because of this new law the have created.

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