domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015


In this entry I'm going to talk about schizophrenia. I chose this disease because I think it is a very serious mental disorder, and it really arouses my interest.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which is characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. A person with this disorder will suffer from false beliefs of various topics, unclear or confused thinking, auditory hallucinations, reduced social engagements and emotional expression, and lack of motivation. This disorder can lead to other mental diseases, such as major depression or anxiety disorders.

Through history many doctors, psychiatrists and physicians have made several discoveries in this topic. Nowadays, schizophrenia is a disorder that can be treated. However, its prevention is nearly impossible, and not very effective. Schizophrenia is diagnosed based on criteria in self-reported experiences of the person and reported abnormalities in behavior, followed by clinical assessment by a mental health professional. Once the diagnosis is done, patients must take medication and assist to a number of psychosocial therapies. Although schizophrenics might get a bit better, it has been  proved that it can get to decrease life expectancy by 10–25 years.

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015


In this new presentation my team and I are going to be talking about genetics, mutation, stem cells and clonation. For that, we are going to use Weebly.
The topic I'm going to cover is genetically inherited mental disorders; not only illnesses and diseases, but also inherited fears or likes and dislikes.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015


There are several factors that can cause mental illnesses, like biology, psychological trauma, environmental stressors, or even heredity (genetics). Recent discoveries have found that mental diseases traditionally thought to be distinct (autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia) share genetic roots. Although it doesn't mean that if your parents may have or had a mental illness you will have one, you are more likely to face it, as they run in families.
Unfortunately, most mental illnesses are caused by a combination of factors and cannot be prevented. But they can be treated with medication, psychotherapy, hospital treatments or specific therapies. They can also be treated with alternative therapies, creative therapies, hypnotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS, but they are not as effective. 

You can see the full news here.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015


BIOMEDICINE, HEALTH, GENETICS... As these are topics related to science, I know very few about them. Although it is true that health and diseases and subject related to that really interest me, what I know about them is really basic and simple, things that ordinary people know (maybe in some topics I might know more than other people). And actually I like learning new things related to that, but I couldn't stand having a subject for that, as I am really bad studying scientific things, because, as I always say, I study arts, and I'm really keen on it.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015


This first school term has been quite new and hard. But I have actually found the scientific culture subject way more different from other subjects. It has been mainly interactive, where we all have taken part in different projects, and have shown interest in the topics given, although we were told it wouldn't be so much about science, but also about arts. Apart from that little issue, I can see that this subject is going to help us learn English and new topics in English in a way English subject can't provide us, as we interact far more here.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

The Big Bang Theory

Ali and I have been working on the beginning of the Universe and this is what we have made in class.

Link to the full presentation here.

1) Cosmos: Latin word that comes from Greek, which means organized universe with no chaos.

2) Many interpretations, but the most relevant and believed one through the time: Christian interpretation, which says that God created everything (the Earth, humans, the universe etc.)

3) Hindu interpretation: the world stands on top of some elephants, which stand on a turtle, which are very important symbols in that culture.

4) Time line which represents the development of the cosmos through the time (since the Big Bang happened until now); first three steps (inflation, post-inflation and cosmos cooling) happened in less than 60 seconds.

5) Second time line which shows the universe expanding through the 13,7 billion years that have passed.
6) Before the Big Bang: the nothing theory. No matter, no galaxies, no planets, no elements... Absolute nothing.

7) Before the Big Bang: the black hole theory. Before our Universe there was another Universe but it was absorbed by a black hole, and it was so contracted that it had to explode.

8) Third time line in which we can see the matter's development through time: after the Big Bang, protons started moving because of the rise of the temperature forming the very first corps.

9) 300,000 years after Hydrogen and Helium form because particles collide. Then, while the universe was still hot enough, particles fuse and Lithium form.

10) Until now other elements have been forming in 4 types: solid, liquid, gas, and even plasma in the space.

11) 1 billion years after, the gravity effect started affecting Hydrogen and Helium between each other in order to form the first galaxies.
 12) When old stars die, elements heavier than Lithium is sent to the space, which allows new stars and planets to be born in about between 0.5 and 1 billion years.

13) Stars began to die, and their death gave life to other bigger and more complete corps such as planets, asteroids, moons and even other stars.

14) GIF which explains how the universe has been expanding and the corps have been separating between each other through the time.

15) Hubble's law: he confirmed that the universe was expanding. He saw that every single object in space was moving away from the Earth, and the further it is, the faster it moves.

16) Cosmic Microwave Background: the radiation emitted when the Universe stopped being plasma and turned into gas. This happened after 3,000,000 years after because the temperature was so high.

17) Because of the formation of this gas, cloud formed and began to fill
the empty spaces that were in the cosmos.

18)Hartle-Hawking: speculation. The Universe is finite and at one point it will be absorbed by a black hole and explode again.

19) Another theory in the "Eternal Inflation theory", which says that the universe will keep becoming bigger and bigger almost infinitely until another kind of Big Bang happens.

20) What's the truth? Are the theories in which we believe nowadays completely right?

This is a small video we found that summarizes our presentation.

This presentation is a PechaKucha and that's why the information is short and simple.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015


Hypathia was born between the years 350 and 370, and was murdered in the year 415 in Alexandria, Egypt, accused of creating a conflict between two prominent figures in Alexandria. She was a Greek mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, but her main interests were mathematics and astronomy. She was used as a symbolic of Virtue.

She was educated at Athens, and around the year 400, she became the head of the Neoplatonic school at Alexandria, where she taught the knowledge of Plato and Aristotle, which were philosophy and astronomy, to students, including pagans, Christians, and foreigners.

Her death is symbolic for some historians. Some claim that her murder marked the end of the Classical antiquity; and others observe that it "effectively marked the downfall of Alexandrian intellectual life".

Some say that one of her contributions to science was the hydrometer, a clock that works with water and gears used to determine the relative density (or specific gravity) of liquids. However, the hydrometer was invented before Hypatia, and it was already known in her time.

E.U. parliament votes to ban cloning of farm animals

This piece of new was taken from the science magazine, the 24th September 2015. Full link:

This piece of news talks about the banning of cloning animals. The European Union has banned to clone and/or sale all farm animals. The supporters claim that only a small percentage of cloned offspring survive to term, and many die shortly after birth.
However, companies in the U.S. and China are cloningfor breeding and for research purposes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers meat and other products form clones to be as safe as that from other farm animals.

However, there is widespread public suspicion of cloning technology in Europe, but E.U. member countries deny any agricultural cloning in their territories.

Related disciplines:
- Chemistry, because behind all those experiments there is a large research of animal bodies.
- Genetics, because the purpose of cloning is creating identical genes.
- Economics, for all the money needed to make research.
- Laws, because of this new law the have created.

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Juncker: EU 'not in a good place'

Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, claims that the EU is suffering from a "lack of union", due to the migration crisis.

As he has unveiled, they will distribute 120,000 asylum seekers currently in Greece, Hungary and Italy among other EU states, determined by countries' wealth, population and previous number of asylum applications.

However, frontline states such as Italy, Greece and Germany have tried to greater the number of migrants.

Despite that, Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orban has faced the plan naming it as "mad and unfair".

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015


I feel really excited about this subject. When I chose it, I thought it would be interesting to have a different subject from what we have learnt so far. Besides, having it in English can provide us a lot of new vocabulary. At the beginning I didn't know what to expect of it, but now I can see it will be really fun.