lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


It is known that our world is constantly in war nowadays. But is it really worth it? Should we end it? Why?

It seems that people see violence as the only way to get what they want, either territories, or money, or power, or whatever they wish. We are in constant battle. But what would happen if that changed? If countries stopped bombing other countries?
There are several reasons to be in conflict with other countries (it could be a political matter, or capital, or geographical, or even religious), but, the way I see it, we should be able to solve our problems without violence. I know it is very hard, because we have grown with that ideology, but with a bit of determination, we could change the world and make it a better place to live.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016


Even if we are not aware of it, patriarchy has always been behind every political and military idea. Patriarchy, together with many other ideals (imperialism, religion or capitalism, for example), has lead to many wars and exploitation movements.

All of them lead to different causes, but at the same time, they have created one patriarchal society with the same ideals that know only one only way to solve everything: war and violence.

War means power. And power has been followed by the human being for centuries. It's just that, instead of human beings, males have been the only specie allowed to show the "strength" they own, forcing others to stay in the dark. This way, discrimination such as speciesism, racism or sexism have become very common among us. Each group tries to show off their strengths, but men are the ones to apparently be strong.

Under patriarchy, white men have disproportionate political, social and economic power. Violence is male-dominated just as most aspects of political and social life are controlled by white men.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016


Syrian Arab Republic, is a country in Western Asia, surrounded by Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan.

Petroleum in commercial quantities was first discovered in the northeast in 1956. 

Since the ongoing civil war of 2011, Syria has been isolated from many countries in the region and from all over the world, but they are getting help from countries such as Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, the United States, Belgium, Spain and the Gulf States.