lunes, 11 de abril de 2016


My part in the work is a bit different from the others. I have to think about a distinct idea which is going to be more practical, but at the same time instructive. I asked my peers to help me make up something, and we came up with these ideas:
  1. planting trees
  2. cleaning beaches
  3. do banners concerning about things like saving water, electricity, energy... and putting them all over the streets and in our school
  4. avoid using contaminating vehicles
  5. concerning people about how animal abuse and meat industry affects us, the world, and the environment 
I think all these activities could be very helpful to concern people about our very own world, but what I really would like to work on is animal exploitation and meat industry.  This is a topic which really concerns me, because not only does it hurt the animals, but it also affects the human-being in general and destroys the environment. There are really good documentaries with very visual information which we could watch.

Before I prepare anything, I have to talk to my peers and see what they think, and with their help, choose the most efficient idea and put a dead-line to prepare it and carry our project through.

After discussing the subject, we have decided that we could be doing different activities to show people that it is not enough to learn about the climate change problem, but we also have to take action. We thought that we have to promote good habits among our fellow students, like: recycling, turning the lights off, not using vehicles that pollute... We are going to do these three activities:
  1. Do stickers about turning the lights off and sticking it next to the on-off switch in our school.
  2. Draw posters with visual images and stick them all over the school so that students as well as teachers can think about it.
  3. After doing that, we will go to some 4th level classes to talk to the students about our topic and see what they think.
We painted some posters abut tips to fight against climate change and we stuck them all around the school. You can see more information and pictures here. We will also do some stickers and stick them on each class next to the on/off switch to encourage students to turn off the lights.

For the talk on the 4th level classes, we have prepared a quiz for them, and a song tag, which consists in playing different songs we have chosen from different cultures of Europe, and see if they can guess where it is from. To play the quiz, we will divide the class into some groups (about 4 or 5) and turn it into a competition. The winner of the competition will win the sticker to stick it on their classroom.
We will be doing that on the 3rd of may in two different classes.

This is what we have stuck all around the classes from our school, explaining them that what they have to do is turn off the lights if they really want to save our planet.

So far, these are the activities we have done in our school about my part. 

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